Rome, 21-24 May, 2015: The Biennial of Public Space

Rome, 21-24 May, 2015: The Biennial of Public Space


The city of Rome will host on May 21-24, the “Biennial of Public Space”, at the headquarter of the department of Architecture (University of RomaTre). The event, promoted by the Public Administration, the University and many associations of citizens has one goal: comparing experiences, best practices and future challenges in the field of social innovation.

The three thematic areas of this year will be: the road, urban regeneration and the unequal city. We should spend some words for each of them. Roads are the most common public spaces in the world – in fact they occupy the majority of the surface of our cities. It is not by chance that one of the most typical case study of what is now known as the “tragedy of the commons” (Garrett Hardin, 1968) is the traffic jam. Mobility is clearly the first element that pops up to everyone’s mind, but is not the only one. If you cannot move easily and reasonably fast, so many things will be precluded to our lives. Long story short: the road is the quintessential connective element of our life.

The second topic, urban regeneration, is something definitely more common to us at LabGov. Public urban spaces are central to our social life, and play a big role in the development of new ideas and other forms of innovation – just think at all the co-working spaces that are emerging. Rome, in particular, needs to re-think and re-shape its phenomenal public space, which in many cases, corresponds to its historical heritage. (On our site you can read just about everything on this topic).

The third and final day will be devoted to the unequal city. Years of globalization and the recent economic crisis are leaving a legacy that is also a challenge: the majority of the world’s population is living or is about to live in cities. Many of our cities were and still are unprepared to receive and accomodate with dignity this mass of people. Peripheries in particular, are under greater and greater pressure, and we are not that far from reality if we say that, it is precisely in these  forgotten and sometime neglected spaces, at the border of our urban conglomerates, that some of the most problematic issue are overstocking,  and about to explode.

The legacy of the event will be a document called “The message of the Biennale” that will receive international attention, and that will be hopefully, an important step towards an operational turn to the Charter of Public Space, and other similar documents that are getting credit at the international level.

LabGov will be following the event closely; but the Biennale is open to all. So if you are in Rome, and are interested to get a better grasp of what is going on around you, don’t hesitate.

(more info at;



Dal 21 al 24 maggio, Roma, nello specifico negli edifici della sede di architettura di RomaTre, sarà il luogo di incontro della “Biennale dello Spazio Pubblico”. Con lo scopo di mettere a confronto idee, azioni e soggetti, la biennale sarà un momento chiave in questo anno, per avere una visione più ampia su alcune delle tematiche più interessanti nell’ambito dell’innovazione sociale degli spazi pubblici.

Le tre aree tematiche saranno: la strada, la rigenerazione urbana e la città diseguale. Ognuno di questi temi, a cui sarà dedicata un’intera giornata, saranno dei punti di partenza per altre decine di tematiche collegabili.

L’eredità della tre giorni sarà un documento chiamato “Il messaggio della Biennale” che aspira ad essere un contributo importante nel dare rilevanza operativa alla “Carta dello Spazio Pubblico” e ad altri documenti analoghi emersi in ambito internazionale.


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